Dieting expert Dr Michael Mosley has shared three foods that people should be eating more of to maintain a balanced diet. The television health guru said he believes most people aren't getting enough protein, which is important for weight loss, maintaining healthy bones as we age and for growing muscle.

During a question and answer forum on Mumsnet, Dr Mosley, who created the popular Fast 800 and 5:2 diets, told fans that the current guidelines regarding protein intake may be too low - and says older people in particular should be eating considerably more.

According to the British Nutrition Foundation, the Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) for protein for adults is 0.75g protein per kg body weight per day. This equates to 56g per day for men and 45g for women of average body weights, while Dr Mosley said he eats around 100g of protein per day - almost double the official recommended amount for the average.

Read more: Dr Michael Mosley weight loss tips - what four foods you should be eating

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He said: "There is quite a lot of evidence now that current guidelines on protein are set too low, particularly for people as they get older. As I’m sure you are aware you need protein to build muscle, but it is also vital for healthy bones. I am a 66-year-old male, reasonably active, and I weigh 80kg. I aim to eat around 100g of protein a day, equally divided between meals."

As well as repairing and growing muscles and bones in the body, protein has also been shown to help with lowering body fat and maintaining lean muscle, while helping people to feel fuller for longer. Meat is a protein-rich food source, but Dr Mosley explained that people don't have to consume lots of meat and fish to reach their recommended daily intake.

He listed tofu, Greek yoghurt and lentils as healthy protein-rich foods that you can easily incorporate into your diet. Tofu can be eaten as a substitute for meat, he said, while full-fat Greek yoghurt can be eaten for breakfast or as a dessert with fruit.

Dr Mosley explained: “It is tricky to get enough healthy protein in your diet and as you say, there are also environmental and ethical questions to consider. I aim to eat oily fish at least three times a week, try to limit my meat intake to less than 100g a day (a piece the size of your palm, which would give you around 30g of protein) and I also use tofu as a meat substitute.

“I am a big fan of lentils, which are cheap, full of fibre and protein, and there are lots of delicious recipes out there. Full-fat Greek yoghurt is also a great breakfast, or dessert (with nuts and berries), and because its strained contains far more protein than normal yoghurt.”

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