

Habit stacking promises to be one of the most effective ways to change your life - here's how

Ready for a hack that could revolutionise your year?

As far as I'm concerned, backless dresses are the only way to survive the heatwave

It's giving drama and access to a breeze

Should I worry about being tired all the time?

Zonked, frazzled, drained, pooped, knackered, running on fumes – or just totally exhausted. In much the same way that the Shona-speaking people of Zimbabwe have a dozen verbs for walking, our modern vocabulary seems to have developed 20 ways of explaining that we are quite tired, most of the time. But is there anything about 21st-century life – our screen addictions, side-hustle culture or always-on mindsets – that means we are more tired, or...

14 pop stars who swapped their music careers for ‘normal’ jobs

The tricks stylists use to make food look fabulous

If the way to our hearts is through our stomachs, then the route to our stomachs is helped an awful lot by what we clap our eyes on. Bombarded by food advertisements plastered everywhere from billboards to bus shelters, not to mention all over our screens, we’re a nation that’s used to being lured to the table – or takeaway joint or delivery app – ...

The anti-inflammatory foods that will help you live longer – plus three recipes to try

Health and nutrition experts disagree about many things, but there’s one topic on which there’s general consensus: the benefits of eating a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods. The evidence is now irrefutable, they say, that adopting this eating approach can reduce chronic inflammation and the risk of developing an array of diseases that go with i...

'How I manage my PCOS bloating (and IBS) with this healthy living plan'

Maeve Madden shares the tools that have worked for her in the past

‘I earn £500 a month, and my parents feed me every day – this is how I spend my money’

Email [email protected] if you would like to take part in How I Spend My Money. All our subjects are genuine but anonymous. As a 17-year-old college student earning around £500 per month from my part-time job, trying to manage my finances can be a challenge. One of the struggles is how little time you actually have to make money when most days ...

Can Alzheimer's Disease Be Reversed with a Plant Based Diet?

Dr. Dean Ornish publishes the first randomized controlled trial investigating whether a plant-based diet and lifestyle program may reverse the course of early-stage Alzheimer's disease. For more on Alzheimer’s disease, see these videos: • How Not to Age ( • Controversy Around FDA’s Approval of Biogen Alzheimer’s Drug, Aducanumab ( • Alzheimer’s and Atherosclerosis of the Brain ( • How to Prevent Alzheimer’s with Diet ( For more on Dr. Dean Ornish’s work, check out his book Undo It! ( And these videos (; for more on heart disease, see these videos ( I have more than 500 videos on plant-based diets. You can check them out here ( The best available balance of scientific evidence suggests that the healthiest way to eat is a vitamin B12-fortified ( diet centered around whole plant foods. I go into specifics of the Daily Dozen foods I recommend in Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen ( For a more thorough dive into the science on these foods, check out my New York Times bestselling book, How Not to Die ( Join our Plant-Based Living Series. This resource is a weekly email series that gives you simplified takeaways and actionable tips on healthy eating. Whether you're new to a whole food, plant-based lifestyle or would benefit from reminders on some of the key aspects of healthy evidence-based nutrition, this series is for you. Expanding on our popular Evidence-Based Eating Guide, this free series features even more tips and information, and you’ll get it delivered straight to your inbox on a weekly basis. (Don't have your own copy of our Evidence-Based Eating Guide? You can download it as a digital and printable PDF ( New subscribers to our e-newsletter always receive a free gift. Get yours here: Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and someone on the team will try to answer it. Want to get a list of links to all the scientific sources used in this video? Click on Sources Cited at You’ll also find a transcript and acknowledgements for the video, my blog and speaking tour schedule, and an easy way to search (by translated language even) through our videos spanning more than 2,000 health topics. Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution! -Michael Greger, MD FACLM Captions for this video are available in several languages; you can find yours in the video settings. View important information about our translated resources: • Subscribe: • Donate: • Podcast : • Books: • Shop: • Facebook: • Twitter: • Instagram:

Jamaica is a 'fly and flop' favourite but here's how to get more out of your trip

What is there to do other than sun yourself on the beach at a Jamaican all-inclusive?

Self-care: why looking after No 1 isn’t always best for your wellbeing

Like many people, I find that stress transforms me into a nasty combination of Oscar the Grouch and Scrooge McDuck. The more pressure I am under, the more irritable I feel – and the less generous I become. I partly blame our culture. I’ve read enough wellness advice to know that I need to prioritise my own needs over other people’s. And so, when I feel under pressure, I have often made it a habit to practise small indulgences aimed at restoring...

Maya Jama on her skincare routine, social media habits and nurturing friendships

The Love Island presenter spills on her wellness regime

This Guy Lost 80 Pounds and Gained Discipline Through Yoga

Zach Wolf never thought he'd be in a yoga studio in the first place

'Laoqianfeng' Is China's 'Quiet Luxury': Here's How The Ultra Rich Are Redefining Status Symbols

In China, the wealthiest millennials are showcasing their achievements through unique and understated status symbols, moving away from traditional ostentatious displays of wealth. As millennials, those in their late 20s to early 40s, reach significant life milestones, many are prioritising career progress and unique experiences over conventional sy...

A moment that changed me: I thought fitness was my superpower. Then I realised it was a ball and chain

I have Jane Fonda to thank for my fitness “discovery” in the late 1980s. Still in my teens, I wore through the carpet doing her workout videos in front of the TV. I also spent hours ploughing up and down the pool at the local leisure centre and honing my muscles at the gym. I always regarded fitness as my superpower. Something that I worked hard at, for sure, but something that gave me kudos. Keeping fit – I mean, really fit – seemed to me an...

Living in Faro, the Algarve: best areas, cost of living and advantages

Faro, the capital of Portugal's sunny Algarve region, attracts residents and tourists for its natural beauty, cultural heritage and enviable quality of life. This charming city, situated in the south of Portugal, offers a vibrant mix of tradition and modernity, making it a popular destination for those looking to live a quiet life by the sea.

14 reasons yoga is so good for you

It's not just about feeling calmer

I did 15 minutes of Pilates every day - and loved it so much, it's the only workout I'll be doing this summer

Diary packed with plans? Try this game-changing fitness challenge.

The Mediterranean diet is out — the Atlantic diet is the summer upgrade to know

The Mediterranean diet is out — the Atlantic diet is the summer upgrade to know - This coastal diet could be the smart swap you need for ultimate summer wellness, says nutrionist Louise Pyne

Beating a drink or drug dependency is life-changing - here’s how to get help

Not only is getting help vital, but it is also free and it works. So how do you go about finding treatment for either yourself or someone you love?

Top 5 Exercises That Can Add Years to Your Life!

Looking to add years to your life? Discover the top 5 exercises that can boost your longevity and improve your overall health. These simple yet effective workouts will help you stay fit, active, and youthful. Watch now to learn how you can incorporate these exercises into your daily routine and start reaping the benefits today! #Longevity #HealthyLiving #Fitness #Exercise #StayYoung #Wellness #HealthyHabits #LifeExtension Disclaimer The materials and the information contained on Natural ways channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provide.

What is modern hypergamy? The dating trend sweeping the UK

Brits are branching out beyond generic dating apps in the hope of finding someone to learn and grow from, with a staggering 57 per cent seeking out love interests who "complement" their own attributes. New research from luxury dating site Seeking discovered singletons are on the lookout for partners with intellectual, cultural, lifestyle and econom...

‘It probably saved my life’: How a low-carb diet can help with type 2 diabetes

‘It probably saved my life’: How a low-carb diet can help with type 2 diabetes - After he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Giancarlo and his wife Katie went on a journey to discover the low-carb diet that would eventually put him in remission

How to be frugal: Easy money-saving hacks from people who’ve mastered cutting back

How to be frugal: Easy money-saving hacks from people who’ve mastered cutting back - Living more frugally could reduce stress and help your money go further.

How to lower your blood sugar levels, as new research reveals heart disease link

How to lower your blood sugar levels, as new research reveals heart disease link - Diet, exercise and lifestyle factors all play a role. By Katie Wright.

Daily loneliness linked to increased physical symptoms in middle age, study finds

By Dr. Liji Thomas, MD A recent study published in the journal Health Psychology examines the impact of daily loneliness on physical health in middle age. Study: Loneliness dynamics and physical health symptomology among midlife adults in daily life. Image Credit: fizkes / Shu...

Seven rules of slowing down after 60 – and why you shouldn’t take it too easy

It’s 9pm and I’m out for dinner with the man I am dating and he’s yawning. Am I boring  him? The opposite, he says. He’s finding it hard to keep up. He’s 63, retired and complaining that he never sees me and he thinks I need to slow down. OK, I admit it, it’s been a busy January. I’ve recently set up a book festival, I’m writing a book myself and I...

CrossFit champion Sara Sigmundsdóttir on training, rehabbing, and expressing her creativity

'I train for between six and eight hours a day, with breaks in between'

I dreamed of travelling while working remotely — then it became my nightmare

The digital nomad lifestyle is not all it's cracked up to be.

Study reveals individual differences in fasting-induced ketosis and its health benefits

By Tarun Sai Lomte In a recent study published in the journal Nutrients , researchers examined the dynamics of fasting-induced ketosis. Long-term fasting is a potent non-pharmacologic intervention for chronic disease prevention and management. It normalizes glucose and lipid metabolism, re...

Polish city among top 5 in Europe for highest life quality: Unique features

In a new ranking of European cities where people are most satisfied with their lives, Poland's Gdansk is in the top 5. The city is also one of the best for living with small children and for migrants. The study took into account all the amenities - from the work of transport and organizations to street cleanliness and safety, according to ...

How many litres of water should you drink a day?

Spoiler alert: It's more than you think...

I walked for 90 minutes every day for two years — here’s what changed for me

Taking a low-impact walk every morning improved my mood, boosted my wellbeing and made me appreciate nature, and it didn't cost a thing.

10 most relaxing places to live in the UK revealed

Habits that destroy our mental health

There are certain psychological habits that often prevent us from living fully and feeling ourselves. They destroy us from within and affect our health and quality of life, according to Mentoly. Contradicting one's own feelings Denying or avoiding one's own emotions can lead to a deterioration of mental health and depression. Advice: Allow yourself...

10 Ways To Enhance Natural Curly Hair So You Can Banish The Straighteners Forever

Let those curls thrive, baby!

18 best swimming pools in London to take a dip in this summer

There's no better way to cool off.

I only started to feel like an adult at 40 - after I made one big lifestyle change

I resigned to cosplaying adulthood with side-eyes and sighs - hoping no-one noticed I was only pretending to be like them.

Eight habits could increase lifespan, study suggests

Eight habits could increase lifespan, study suggests - The lifestyle factors include being physically active, being free from opioid addiction, not smoking, managing stress, and having a good diet.

The health risks of being a skinny old person – and how to stay strong

Like so many fitness influencers, Rosemary Mallace runs strength-based classes on YouTube. Unlike so many fitness influencers, she is 73. She’s just starting to add fell running and tap dancing to her exercise regime. “I’m trying to think of something that I can’t do that I used to be able to do and I can’t think of anything.” It seems the Miss Mar...

People should adopt ‘old-fashioned’ ways of staying healthy – Sir Chris Whitty

Making it easy and attractive for people to exercise is one of the most effective ways of maintaining independence, the Chief Medical Officer said.

Everybody should know these 7 things about their diet

The food we eat has a direct consequence on our health and happiness

Lily Collins debuts a bob: 5 other celebrity haircuts to inspire your next chop

Lily Collins debuts a bob: 5 other celebrity haircuts to inspire your next chop - Take notes from these stellar celeb looks.

I went solo travelling in my 60s - here's what it taught me

Eager to discover the real Italy, Lorna Jackson, 72, went on a three-month solo exploration. Speaking to GH, she shares the life lessons that she returned home with.

'I'm 45, and this 12-week exercise programme changed my body (and life!)'

'I love being able to see what my body could do'

‘I was fat, old and widowed – then I found love and lost a stone’

My world collapsed when I lost my beloved wife Kim to ovarian cancer in 2017 when she was just 59. We were happily married for 38 years and had been through so much together over the decades. The loss just felt shattering. Dealing with the grief, I stopped caring about myself, eating junk all day and drinking beer every night. Our family house just...

The DIY addicts creating their perfect home – and saving over £50,000

Some women buy their husbands watches or aftershave as presents. But knowing how much he loves DIY, Tim Mulhall’s wife bought him a dilapidated vintage train carriage, thinking it would be ideal to convert into a micro-Airbnb. “Clearly I was running out of projects, so my wife found a local farmer who had all of these old railway wagons in his fiel...

Bracelets, Tears and Joy: Taylor Swift's Eras Tour Is the Epitome of Girlhood

As a non-Swiftie, I knew I was in a privileged position getting a golden ticket to the Taylor Swift's Eras Tour.

Bells, top hats and face paint: why this English tradition refuses to go extinct

'We’re still all dancing today.'

47 living room ideas: latest trends and easy decor updates

These living room ideas come with comfy surprises and modern flair, so you can relax and unwind in a revamped sitting room space.